Holiday in Bandung Indonesia.
Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat is one of the best spot to visit while having tour and travel in Indonesia. Much business is often done in this monument. Except as well as the point when the masses to gather before and after the action in a variety of gossip demands, in these monuments are often also organized entertainment events. Like the night market, dangdut event, as well as other events held by one of the TV stations in the country. In this monument there are reliefs of the struggle of the people of West Java in the fight against the invaders.
Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat (MPRJB) or West Java Struggle Monument is located on the North side of the open area of the Sate, striped straight span between the Sate, Gasibu with "MPRJB" so as to form a straight line with the axis of the mayor's office complex (Sate Building) and the Parliament. If the view forwarded again to the North, met with Mount TangkubanPerahu. Surely one of the best holiday packages to indonesia.
Location Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat (MPRJB) or West Java Struggle Monument is located at Jalan Dipatiukur No. 48, Bandung. Faced with Sate Building and also in front of the Campus Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad). This monument stands on a land area of more or less 72 040 square meters with a building area of 2,143 square meters or less. Model building is shaped stakes are combined with modern architectural style.
Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat (MPRJB) or West Java Struggle Monument consisting of:
- Monument takes the form of bamboo truncated (stakes) as a symbol of physical struggle of the people against the invaders. Philosophy bamboo grow as clumps scattered also illustrates a plurality of Sundanese culture (Banten, Bandung, Brass, Sumedang, Garut, etc.).
- Diorama carvings on the walls depicting the history of West Java start of the kingdom against the invaders until the present.
- West Java Struggle Museum contains diorama-diorama that tells of the struggle of the people of West Java in various regions. (Museum are not = be known by most people and until now the museum is not yet open to the public)
- Field / Plaza for a variety of cultural arts events and music concerts.
- On the back wall of the monument of stakes there are two plaques containing poems in Sundanese and Indonesian works of Saini KM
Inscription in West Java Struggle Monument in the form of a poem written by poet Saini KM in Sundanese, and its translation into Indonesian. Saini KM, born in Sumedang on June 16, 1938, is the author of essays, poetry and theater scripts which received numerous awards. He is the founder and teacher ISBI Bandung.
Lemah beunghar ku berkah, langit pinuh ku rahmat
Nya milik hidep: Warisan ti para karuhun
Nu ngaraksa ku gawe, nu rumawat ku du’a
Nagri nu dihariringkeun dina daun awi
Tempat imut bareukah tur sewu kagumbiraan
Ear kawas cai walungan dina sela-sela batu
Nya pusaka anjeun: Watesna tegal Si Awat-awat
Nonoman, kiwari nya giliran anjeun
Nu kasinugrahan wawangi sajarah
Bray tandang bari paheuyeuk-heuyeuk leungeun
Kalawan rido Mantena diunggal lengkah;
Impian demi impian bakal ngajirim
Beberkeun bandera pikeun sagala topan
Sabab nya taktak aranjeun pisan
Nu bakal nyangga gelaring pajar
Pikeun langit anyar, pikeun jaman nu akbar.
To search the sky brand-new, nu era To search akbar (For new horizons, to the great age)
(K. Saini M.)
One of the reliefs in Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat (MPRJB) or West Java Struggle Monument showed SakolaIstri, the first female school throughout the Dutch East Indies was established in January 16, 1904 by Dewi Sartika. Sakola wife started with three teachers (Dewi Sartika, Ny. Poerwa and Nyi. Oewid) and 20 students, using the pavilion Bandung regency.
Dewi Sartika is a pioneering figure education of women, born in Bandung on December 4, 1884 and died in Tasikmalaya 11 September 1947. He was awarded the title of National Hero in 1966. There was also a relief Youth Pledge in 1928, as well as the words "Indonesia Menggoegat" taken from the title defense speech Sukarno in Indonesia Sues Building.
Maybe you are interested in doing tours and a visit to this beautiful place. Hopefully this article useful and do not forget to share this article.