Pangandaran beach located between Bandung and Yogyakarta, located about 223 km from the city of Bandung, or about 400 km, if taken from the city. Residents around the coast is majority have livelihood as fishermen, among them still exists a sense of tolerance and mutual cooperation are high.
In addition to relatively low cost travel, Pangandaran Beach is very easily accessible by a number of existing transport.
In Pangandaran Beach, many residents spend vacation time with his family, relatives, friends, to their respective spouses.
Pangandaran pick the most beautiful locations in the world, GREENLAND, Greenland is a cliff that is because the water droplets that fall from the top, and the water color is green, Greenland looks very exotic especially for those of you who are looking for inspiras and ideas - ideas. Pangandaran also prepared water transportation for those of you who want to know more deeply the beauty of the beach Pangandaran.
Attraction which is the belle of the beach in West Java is located in the village of Pananjung District of Pangandaran with a distance of ± 92 km south of the town of Ciamis, has various features such as:
• Can see the sunrise and sunset from the same place
• sloping beaches with clear water and the distance between the ups and downs relatively long so as to allow us to swim safely
• There is a beach with white sand
• There are rescue teams beach tourism
• Roads paved smooth environment with adequate street lighting
• There is a marine park with fish and fascinating marine life.
Pangandaran beach water clear and clean. In addition, this beach also has a relatively long time span between the conditions of tide and low tide conditions. Therefore, swimming became a safe choice tourist activity in this beach. Therefore, Pangandaran Beach is becoming a favorite swimming spot for many families and children.
At every mid-June or July, at Pangandaran Beach is always routinely held internasion event, the International Kite Festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival). As one foreign tourist destinations, Pangandaran beach in Ciamis has had the support of infrastructure and public facilities are complete.
With the upporting factors above, then the tourists who come in Pangandaran can perform a wide range of activities: swimming, yachting, fishing, traveling by bike, sailing, jet skiing and others.
The traditional event contained here is the intent of the Sea, the ceremony performed in Pangandaran fishermen as a manifestation of their gratitude to the Almighty God's mercy by way melarung offerings to the high seas. The event is usually held in each month of Muharram, to take place on the East Coast Pangandaran.
International tourism event which is always carried out here is the International Kite Festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) with a variety of activities which we can see in every month of June or July.
Maybe you are interested in doing tours and a visit to this beautiful place. Hopefully this article useful and do not forget to share this article.