Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat, Bandung - West Java - Indonesia

Holiday in Bandung Indonesia. 
Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat is one of the best spot to visit while having tour and travel in Indonesia. Much business is often done in this monument. Except as well as the point when the masses to gather before and after the action in a variety of gossip demands, in these monuments are often also organized entertainment events. Like the night market, dangdut event, as well as other events held by one of the TV stations in the country. In this monument there are reliefs of the struggle of the people of West Java in the fight against the invaders.

Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat (MPRJB) or West Java Struggle Monument is located on the North side of the open area of ​​the Sate, striped straight span between the Sate, Gasibu with "MPRJB" so as to form a straight line with the axis of the mayor's office complex (Sate Building) and the Parliament. If the view forwarded again to the North, met with Mount TangkubanPerahu. Surely one of the best holiday packages to indonesia.

Location Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat (MPRJB) or West Java Struggle Monument is located at Jalan Dipatiukur No. 48, Bandung. Faced with Sate Building and also in front of the Campus Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad). This monument stands on a land area of ​​more or less 72 040 square meters with a building area of ​​2,143 square meters or less. Model building is shaped stakes are combined with modern architectural style.

Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat (MPRJB) or West Java Struggle Monument  consisting of:

- Monument takes the form of bamboo truncated (stakes) as a symbol of physical struggle of the people against the invaders. Philosophy bamboo grow as clumps scattered also illustrates a plurality of Sundanese culture (Banten, Bandung, Brass, Sumedang, Garut, etc.).

- Diorama carvings on the walls depicting the history of West Java start of the kingdom against the invaders until the present.

- West Java Struggle Museum contains diorama-diorama that tells of the struggle of the people of West Java in various regions. (Museum are not = be known by most people and until now the museum is not yet open to the public)

- Field / Plaza for a variety of cultural arts events and music concerts.

- On the back wall of the monument of stakes there are two plaques containing poems in Sundanese and Indonesian works of Saini KM

Inscription in West Java Struggle Monument in the form of a poem written by poet Saini KM in Sundanese, and its translation into Indonesian. Saini KM, born in Sumedang on June 16, 1938, is the author of essays, poetry and theater scripts which received numerous awards. He is the founder and teacher ISBI Bandung.

Lemah beunghar ku berkah, langit pinuh ku rahmat 

Nya milik hidep: Warisan ti para karuhun 

Nu ngaraksa ku gawe, nu rumawat ku du’a 

Nagri nu dihariringkeun dina daun awi 

Tempat imut bareukah tur sewu kagumbiraan 

Ear kawas cai walungan dina sela-sela batu 

Nya pusaka anjeun: Watesna tegal Si Awat-awat  

Nonoman, kiwari nya giliran anjeun 

Nu kasinugrahan wawangi sajarah 

Bray tandang bari paheuyeuk-heuyeuk leungeun 

Kalawan rido Mantena diunggal lengkah

Impian demi impian bakal ngajirim

Beberkeun bandera pikeun sagala topan 

Sabab nya taktak aranjeun pisan 

Nu bakal nyangga gelaring pajar 

Pikeun langit anyar, pikeun jaman nu akbar.

To search the sky brand-new, nu era To search akbar (For new horizons, to the great age)
 (K. Saini M.)

One of the reliefs in Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat (MPRJB) or West Java Struggle Monument showed SakolaIstri, the first female school throughout the Dutch East Indies was established in January 16, 1904 by Dewi Sartika. Sakola wife started with three teachers (Dewi Sartika, Ny. Poerwa and Nyi. Oewid) and 20 students, using the pavilion Bandung regency.

Dewi Sartika is a pioneering figure education of women, born in Bandung on December 4, 1884 and died in Tasikmalaya 11 September 1947. He was awarded the title of National Hero in 1966. There was also a relief Youth Pledge in 1928, as well as the words "Indonesia Menggoegat" taken from the title defense speech Sukarno in Indonesia Sues Building.

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TEBING KERATON, Bandung - West Java - Indonesia

Now Nature Bandung has also been increased with the discovery of one of New Places in Bandung which raged into the limelight as well praise from netizens among users of social media such as Twitter and Instagram in the country and even the world, the new tourist Cliffs palace? The cliffs are familiar with the previous name in Bandung? 

Well for those of you who want to know, knew or could even be a reference tourist destination you at the time of the upcoming holidays, the author will give a review of travel on one of the tourist attractions in Bandung which again nge-hitzs, besides quite spectacular with news and uploading posts sights natural extraordinary, Cliffs Bandung palace is also often mentioned as one of the tourist sites in Bandung very thick of the mystery and mystical things.

How To Go Cliffs palace
Here we try to give the instructions step by step way to the cliffs of the Palace of McDonalds Simpang Dago (who do not know McD Simpang Dago, google it yourself location ya;)):
From Simpang Dago McD straight on towards the Sheraton to pass Dago Tea House and Terminal Dago.

Not far from the Terminal Dago, there is a fork in the road. Who left to Dago Giri, which is to the right towards Bukit Dago Pakar. TAKE THE RIGHT.
From there a few hundred meters there are more branches. Who left to Dago Bent. That right is still towards Bukit Dago Pakar. TAKE THE RIGHT.
A few hundred meters away, close Indomaret on the left side of the road, there turn left towards Tahura (Forest Park) Ir. H. Juanda. TURN LEFT. If it continues straight to the area later bablas cafes such as the turn to the Sierra, and Stone Cafe.
Uphill street a few hundred meters away, on the left there is the entrance gate and parking area for Tahura, still straight ahead.
Not far from there is the fork in the nearby stall. Street to the right there is an inscription Bukit Pakar North. TURN RIGHT.
From here the road further uphill and once damaged condition. Asphalt so many have gone so rocky surface. The roads will pass through the woods on the left side. Continue until there is a branch. TAKE THE LEFT. There was a temporary board that reads 'The cliff palace' as well as arrows to the left.
Here the streets are also damaged. Those who like cycling may know the name Warung Bandrek, there are many cyclist who like get-togethers. Had reached? Oh ... yet!
From there the road continues, on the right is starting to look a view of the green hills and the houses on the hillside. Only later will look residential. The streets will look to turn right, follow the road until exhausted residential areas.
Not far from there is no left turn rather steep. TURN LEFT. In turn, there signposts while.
Only about 100 meters final, the road is very steep and rocky. Soon there were stalls on the right and on the left side many rows of motorcycles parked. Had reached? Yes ... .motor be parked there. Cliffs continues his palace where?
After parking, the road to the hill below. Not far away, less than 5 minutes (about 100 meters) and track its not at all heavy.

Kraton cliff behind the mist shrouded forest and mountain-gemunung down there. Natural mystical atmosphere stretching back there. The view was already familiar in the eyes of the social media activists.

Karaton cliffs located in Kampung Ciharageum peak, Ciburial Village, District Cimenyan, the Bandung regency. Karaton Cliffs visit, we will be greeted typical wind semriwing mountains.
Scenery right in front of us, will terlilat gagahnya cluster Tangkuban parahu, with Lembang district and subdistrict Cibodas underneath. Shifted to the south, a view of the city of Bandung complement the beauty of the panorama in the Lembang Fault region.

You need to know, Cliffs Karaton in Dago Bandung is located at an altitude of about 1,200 meters above the surface, so that the height of this, from the cliffs of the palace, we and other visitors will be able to easily and clearly witnessed expanse of green scenery Tahura Juanda large extend all eyes memandang.Pemandangan here will increasingly exotic and romantic, when we come before sunrise or roughly 6 am to greet a stretch of scenic beauty while Sunrise.Pemandangan sunrise or when the sun rises, which by its light fog investigate opening hiding behind a stretch of green trees typical Tahura Juanda gives the sensation of the morning was very exotic and romantic. Sunlight mist created like a bow-bow beautiful piercing the earth that is created within the mist, of course, would be evidence or trail camera captured the photographers who voluntarily and deliberately traveled quite a difficult and tiring since before the dawn toward the cliff The palace dago bandung.

Experience or special moments to offer natural attractions in Bandung this matter, not only in the morning to the moment of sunrise it, Nih moment should not you miss also is a time in the afternoon to see and feel the episode Sunset or when the sun would sink. we can enjoy the beautiful blue sky with golden colors surrounding siluit range of hills that underneath there is a green area Tahura Juanda. Tangkuban Parahu beauty even visible from a distance will look clear and beautiful when illuminated by sunlight towards terbenam.Ya, all do not ever miss, All the beauty of natural scenery in the cliffs of this palace, both at sunrise or sunset with mengabadikannya into shots-shots our camera flash.

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Pangandaran Beach, Ciamis - Indonesia

Pangandaran beach located between Bandung and Yogyakarta, located about 223 km from the city of Bandung, or about 400 km, if taken from the city. Residents around the coast is majority have livelihood as fishermen, among them still exists a sense of tolerance and mutual cooperation are high.

In addition to relatively low cost travel, Pangandaran Beach is very easily accessible by a number of existing transport.

In Pangandaran Beach, many residents spend vacation time with his family, relatives, friends, to their respective spouses.

Pangandaran pick the most beautiful locations in the world, GREENLAND, Greenland is a cliff that is because the water droplets that fall from the top, and the water color is green, Greenland looks very exotic especially for those of you who are looking for inspiras and ideas - ideas. Pangandaran also prepared water transportation for those of you who want to know more deeply the beauty of the beach Pangandaran.

Attraction which is the belle of the beach in West Java is located in the village of Pananjung District of Pangandaran with a distance of ± 92 km south of the town of Ciamis, has various features such as:
• Can see the sunrise and sunset from the same place
• sloping beaches with clear water and the distance between the ups and downs relatively long so as to allow us to swim safely
• There is a beach with white sand
• There are rescue teams beach tourism
• Roads paved smooth environment with adequate street lighting
• There is a marine park with fish and fascinating marine life.

Pangandaran beach water clear and clean. In addition, this beach also has a relatively long time span between the conditions of tide and low tide conditions. Therefore, swimming became a safe choice tourist activity in this beach. Therefore, Pangandaran Beach is becoming a favorite swimming spot for many families and children.

At every mid-June or July, at Pangandaran Beach is always routinely held internasion event, the International Kite Festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival). As one foreign tourist destinations, Pangandaran beach in Ciamis has had the support of infrastructure and public facilities are complete.

With the upporting factors above, then the tourists who come in Pangandaran can perform a wide range of activities: swimming, yachting, fishing, traveling by bike, sailing, jet skiing and others.
The traditional event contained here is the intent of the Sea, the ceremony performed in Pangandaran fishermen as a manifestation of their gratitude to the Almighty God's mercy by way melarung offerings to the high seas. The event is usually held in each month of Muharram, to take place on the East Coast Pangandaran.

International tourism event which is always carried out here is the International Kite Festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) with a variety of activities which we can see in every month of June or July.

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Nyang Nyang Beach, Bali - Indonesia

The location is in the southern tip of the island of Bali, just before the temple of Uluwatu. The beach is also directly adjacent to the large Indian Ocean choppy. So it is not wrong even when Beach Nyang - Nyang including one beach that is visited by many professional surfer. It was confirmed by the only real clue is in the entrance to the beach. The clue reads "Nyang-nyang Surfing Beach".

The beach is also not far from Jalan Raya Uluwatu, precisely approximately 1 km before Uluwatu. Once past the gates of Hotel Puri Bali Nyang-Nyang and SD Negeri 03 Jimbaran, you will see a T-junction with a dirt road equipped signpost reads Surfing Beach Nyang-Nyang (writing is rather dull and not so obvious) on the side of the road. Turn left and follow the path of the limestone rocky ground until they run out, and you arrived at the parking lot-Nyang Nyang Beach. From the parking lot, beach-Nyang Nyang already visible stretching far down the cliff. The next trip down the hundreds of steps to reach the shore.If you are one of those who want privacy, comfort and tranquility in a beach resort in Bali, the Nyang Nyang beach Bali one of the hidden beaches worth visiting.

Obviously a lot of advantages that you will get when vacationing at one of the beautiful beaches and hidden in Bali, such as comfort, privacy and unspoiled natural scenery.If there is excess certainly no shortage, Nyang Nyang beach Bali because it is hidden and the access road is not adequate, you need to make strenuous efforts to get in Nyang Nyang beach Bali.

If you are planning a vacation to the beach Nyang Nyang Bali, you should use the vehicle in a condition that is still good, because the road you will travel is dirt road chalk with the condition of the rocks scattered on the streets, especially in the rainy season will be more difficult to pass through the road conditions were muddy and slippery ,After passing the limestone, at the end of the road there is an old hut. Perjalananan to reach the beach is only just the beginning because in front of this old hut there are steep cliffs that you have to climb down to reach the beach Nyang Nyang.

For there are stairs down the cliff but the slope of the stairs quite esktrim and you should be extra careful when you down these stairs.Nyang Nyang beach Bali Uluwatu is located behind a hill, has a pristine white sand beach and the slope is very gentle and wide. Need extra effort and stamina fit to get to the beach.

In the middle looks somewhat challenging waves for surfing, but the waves had to be split into a froth before it hit the coast. There is a natural barrier that break the waves before touching the lip Beach Nyang - Nyang. And so, in addition to surf this beach is also suitable for sea water just play. However, for swimming, the beach is less suitable. Although there is a natural barrier that breaks the waves, the depth of the sea water at the beach is unlikely to be too comfortable for swimming.

Because very few tourists visiting the Nyang-Nyang beach, make this beach remains quiet and natural. You can explore this coast freely without being disturbed other visitors.For you fans of surfing, you can ride the waves Beach Nyang-Nyang freely without fear disturbed other surfers. In addition to surfing, you can bathe, swim or sunbathe on this beach.You are also not prohibited idly while reading a book on the beach. In short, you can do anything in Turkish-Nyang Nyang your heart's content without disturbing anyone.

You need to remember, you should bring food and drinks to taste when visiting this beach. Because the way down hundreds of stairs are steep strenuous enough, and in-Nyang Nyang Beach no single food sellers, except in the parking lot, on a cliff.

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Nusa Dua, Bali - Indonesia

Nusa Dua Beach there are two beaches, the beaches and coastal Geger Mengiat, the beach is more suitable for swimming and safe for children to play, because the waves are small, very suitable for beach tourism with the family.

Nusa Dua beach has calm water flow conditions, so it is safe and suitable for a family vacation, you can bercamping with the family, while enjoying snacks are offered, while the children can freely play in this beach. Like the other beaches in Bali, Nusa Dua beach no less beautiful, clean and tidy so it is suitable for those who want to enjoy other water attractions such as banana boat, jetski, parasailing and snorkeling.

Nusa Dua is located about 40 km south of Denpasar, capital of Bali province. Access to get to this place very easily and if you are from the Kuta area is only about (20-30 minutes travel time) and if from Jimbaran about (15 minutes travel time) in the south path is the main path of the so-called Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai, who became the Way Bypass Nusa Dua when approaching the area.


From the international airport is only about 20 to 30 minutes by car and if you use the services of a taxi fare from there would cost between Rp 95,000 to 110,000. If you are interested to stopped here, the hotel will worth to visit no doubt will arrange to pick you up at the airport.

For Public transport is still far from common in the region, but some minibus from Tegal terminal in Denpasar do ply the main bypass.

Geger beaches located in the area of ​​Nusa Dua.
Probably most people who have visited this beach entrance of Hotel Mulia area. Beach Geger entered from the area Hotel Majesty is indeed a wide beaches, with soft white sand, a long coastline and gentle, with plenty of lounge chairs lined up along the beach.


But I try to enter the beach area Geger instead of Hotel Mulia, but from the temple area Geger. You try to park the vehicle in front of the temple Geger large yard, then you can access the beach Geger with down some stairs, and you will find a small piece of beach Geger were totally different from the usual Geger beach area is accessible from the Hotel Mulia.


This pretty little beach does not have a long coastline, and the beach is hidden behind the cliffs, Area beaches also encountered a lot of rocks, but the rocks is what adds value is the exotic beach. Grains of sand was soft and comfortable.

The sea water is very clear and transparent, when we Geger beach to the sea was in a state of quiet so comfortable for bathing or swimming. Because the beach is still quite hidden, the beach area was still clean and quiet, only a few foreign tourists who I met here and some seaweed farmers. It comfortably relax in the peaceful little beach this.

Maybe you are interested in doing tours and a visit to this beautiful place. Hopefully this article useful and do not forget to share this article.